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Important Things to Do in a House Fire
Post By: admin January 17, 2019

Important Things to Do in a House Fire

Prevention is no doubt the initial step in all cases.  To avoid or prevent a house fire from causing serious harms and devastation you really need to know some of the basic tips that could prove to be useful in the midst of a house fire. Fire is very disastrous, and you must be cautious and wary on the grounds that in as little as 2 minutes, a house fire can transform into a perilous disaster.

Every year a huge number of people die in fire-related catastrophes with billions of properties lost. In fact, the heat and smoke from the fire cause more deaths. Here are some tips and tricks you will need during a house fire:

1. Get The Fire Extinguisher

If you hear the sound of the fire alarm in your home do not ignore it, go for your fire extinguisher as a one-stop preventive measure. This singular act can help curb the fire instantly, but if your effort proves abortive after using the fire extinguisher, leave the scene immediately. Fire extinguishers are very important and should be installed in every house, no matter if private or commercial.

2. Raise an Alarm

Inform others in the house of the fire situation by screaming out loud; do not rely on smoke detectors and alarm to inform others, they might sometimes malfunction due to battery faults and other reasons.

3. Call 997

Pick up your phone and call the fire department after leaving the property, do not stop inside the house searching for your mobile device as you could get caught up in the flames. Rush out, and ask neighbors or passer-by to help you call the fire department.

4. Leave Valuables behind

When in a fire, never delay finding the best possible escape route from a burning house to find valuables. You could always notify the fire safety officers when they arrive of such valuables describing their last known location.

5. Stop, Drop and Roll

If your clothing catches fire, do not run, simply drop to the floor and roll over your back to extinguish the fire. Always crawl and remain close to the ground to keep you away from the high temperature, and thick smoke from the fire. Stay low, until you escape the burning house.

6. Cover Your Nose

Cover your nostrils with a shirt or a damp towel during a house fire; this will prevent smoke from entering your lungs. Also cover the faces of children as much as possible, especially when helping out to get them to safety. Lastly, do not run into a room filled with smoke or flames, doing that means running into massive danger.

7. Close doors

Once you crawled out of a room, close the door behind you. Research has proven that closing doors prevent the fire from spreading, which simply means the fire will be relegated to a spot for a while.

8. Rest Out

Once you are out of the house, stay out. Even if you left your animals or property behind, do not enter a burning house. Notify the fire department officers immediately if you believe people or pets are still in the house and direct them to where they could be.

9. Safety Evacuation Spot

After the evacuation, meet the rest of the family members in a predetermined location and remain there until everyone in the household is rescued. This is done to prevent fire officers from searching for people who are already out of the fire.

10. Call Loved Ones

Lastly, make sure your loved ones are safe and let them know you're safe. This can avoid panic within loved ones and you can also make sure that everyone you care about s safe. 


Fires are very scary and cause a lot of damage and destruction as well as injuries and deaths. Always remember to stay calm and call for help. Know how to stay safe if a fire ever happens within your home.